Technological Institute Forest Cellulose Wood-construction Furniture

The Forest Cellulose Bois construction Ameublement Institute is an Industrial Technical Center (CTI) dedicated to the forest-wood sector. Its mission is to promote innovation and technical progress by helping to improve productivity and quality in industry through an integrated approach and highlighting synergies in the sector.

It is the result of the merger in 2007 of AFOCEL (Association Foret Cellulose) and CTBA (Technical Center for Wood and Furniture). Its specificity lies in the diversity of the professionals for which it works: forestry, logging and sawmills, pulp, panels, packaging, timber industries, furniture, gluing, finishing, treatment and preservation of wood, environment, health, energy...

Structured around engineers, researchers and technicians, FCBA employs 250 people and is located in 6 geographic sites: Paris, Bordeaux, Limoges, Dijon, Nantes and Grenoble.

Three sectoral poles are at the service of professionals:

  • Territory Forest Resources (RFT)
  • Wood & Construction Industry (IB&C)
  • Development of Living Spaces (AEV)

A transversal pole (BIOSENSE) deals with themes such as the environment, health, new materials, foresight, energy, the economy...

About ten professional or inter-professional committees liaise between the professions and the FCBA. They are responsible for expressing the needs of the professions in terms of research and collective action, they guide the choice of action programs and evaluate the results of collective actions.

FCBA is managed by a Board of Directors made up of 23 members divided into three colleges where all sectors of the forest, wood and furniture industry are represented. Listening to the technical, economic, regulatory and normative challenges of the profession, its objective is to help companies integrate innovations, adapt to rapid market changes and position themselves at European level. and global. FCBA makes its know-how, expertise and skills available to professionals in the context of collective actions: innovation and research, management and dissemination of information, promotion of the sector, standardization, development. He is also involved in private actions: consultancy, (technical support, testing), certification, professional training...

The RFT Pole, involved in the GIS Peuplier, is responsible for adapting the production of forest resources and securing the wood supply to companies. It relies mainly on the skills of the territorial delegations of Cestas-Pierroton, Limoges and Charrey-sur-Saône. Its action is broken down into four operational objectives:

  • Deploy high productivity varieties adapted to the foreseeable effects of climate change,
  • Develop decision support tools for investment and forest management,
  • Develop techniques to facilitate and increase the harvest in the short, medium and long term,
  • Optimize and improve the competitiveness of companies involved in the supply chain.

The FCBA actions carried out within the framework of the Poplar GIS naturally fall within the first of these operational objectives.