Who are we

Who are we ?

Scientific Interest Group "Genetics, Improvement and Protection of Poplar"

The Poplar GIS

The Scientific Interest Group "Genetics, Improvement and Protection of Poplar" (Poplar GIS) was officially created in 2001. Its three founding members are: AFOCEL (Association Forêt-Cellulose), now FCBA (Forêt Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement)), Cemagref (now Irstea and merged in 2020 with Inra), and Inra, became INRAE. The members of Poplar GIS combine their areas of expertises in a finalized research objective. We also rely on the research carried out in our laboratories with national and international collaborations.

Historical reminders

Before 1997, Inra and AFOCEL carried out separately controlled crosses. Cemagref and Inra evaluated the Inra varieties. In 1997, with the generalization of attacks by Melampsora larici-populina possessing virulence 7 (attacking the cultivar 'Beaupré') and under the impetus of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the creation of a GIS was launched by bringing together the three actors around a single program. Between 1997 and 2001, the first joint work was initiated and resulted in the official creation of the Poplar GIS in 2001. The presidency of the GIS was successively held by Marc Villar (INRAE, 2001-2004), Alain Berthelot (FCBA, 2004- 2013) and Catherine Bastien since 2013 (INRAE).


In its statutes, the Poplar GIS must design and manage a common program for the genetic improvement of poplar in the short, medium and long term in order to offer the sector, high-performance cultivars with stable characteristics.

Composition of the executive committee of Poplar GIS
  • Catherine Bastien (research director, INRAE, Departement ECODIV, Nancy)
  • Rémy Gobin (research engineer, INRAE, UMR BioForA, Orléans)
  • Vincent Bourlon (engineer, INRAE, UR EFNO, Nogent-sur-Vernisson)
  • Bénédicte Fabre (engineer, INRAE, UMR IAM, Nancy)
  • Alain Berthelot (research engineer, FCBA, North-East territorial delegation, Charrey-sur-Saône)

The National Pole of Forest Genetic Resources of Guémené-Penfao (PNRFG-ONF) provides the Poplar GIS with technical and logistical support.